Author: Hanni Yang
Editors: Flynn Ma and Junyu Zheng
Artist: Shaoyu Zhang
In the pulse of our modern landscape, the bustling metropolises and burgeoning communities weave a narrative that transcends mere population statistics. It's a tale of a world progressively entangled in the web of overcrowding—a phenomenon where space dwindles, walls close in, and personal space becomes a coveted treasure. From towering skyscrapers to snug dwellings, the relentless surge in population density challenges what it means to inhabit shared spaces. Within this dense mosaic, obscured beneath the surface lies an intricate story of how overcrowding affects individuals physically, mentally, and socially.
As our cities boom and communities become denser, a silent threat hangs in the crowded air—the toll of overcrowding on physical health becomes apparent through tuberculosis (TB) rates, as a comprehensive meta-analysis of twenty-one studies revealed a consistent association between crowded living conditions and increased risk of tuberculosis. While some studies have failed to reach statistical significance, the overwhelming consensus highlights the dangerous link between overcrowding and TB incidence. Even surveys exploring the exposure-response relationship have confirmed this troubling link, painting a narrative in which reducing crowding becomes a beacon of hope in the fight against the specter of TB.

Beyond the scope of TB, the knock-on effects of overcrowding are also evident in respiratory and gastrointestinal health. Thirty studies covering influenza-related hospitalizations and respiratory syncytial virus revealed a significant association between crowded living spaces and increased risk of respiratory infections. The range of quality of evidence from moderate to high underscores the need to reduce overcrowding to mitigate non-tuberculous respiratory diseases. Expanding its scope, overcrowding severely affects gastrointestinal health, as evidenced by thirteen studies that consistently point to an association between crowding and gastroenteritis or diarrheal disease. Because increasing levels of crowding are significantly associated with increased incidence of diarrhea, a resounding message emerges—reducing overcrowding is a key measure to mitigate the risk of gastroenteritis and diarrheal disease in dense urban settings. In crowded urban life, these findings highlight not only spatial constraints but also the clear impact of crowded spaces on the physical health of their occupants.
A subtle interplay between overcrowding and mental health emerges within crowded households and urban spaces. A compilation of 13 studies highlights the complexity of this relationship, revealing some important associations and inconclusive findings. While eight different studies confirmed the detrimental effects of household crowding on mental health, including psychological distress, alcohol abuse, depressed mood, and health dissatisfaction, a subset of four cross-sectional studies presented stark contrasts. These studies failed to establish specific relationships between overcrowding and mental health outcomes, including inattention, hyperactivity, mood symptoms, suicidal ideation, self-esteem, and substance abuse. Furthermore, retrospective cohort studies conducted in Israel and the United States of America have shown no clear link between overcrowding and specific mental health problems such as schizophrenia or autonomic nervous system reactivity. These findings illustrate the complexity of the mental health effects of overcrowding.
Within the intricate web of housing instability, overcrowding becomes a key factor shaping social dynamics within communities. Overcrowding, characterized by more than two people living in a single bedroom or multiple families living in a dwelling, exacerbates the challenges faced by households lacking adequate housing resources. With limited affordable rentals, individuals and families are forced into substandard accommodation, often faced with heightened health and safety risks caused by factors ranging from pests and mold to inadequate heating and cooling systems. Overcrowding not only takes up physical space but also strains relationships and mental health, affecting residents’ stress levels, sleep quality, and overall cognitive function. Moreover, households grapple with the severe cost-limiting burden of housing expenses—often spending more than 50 percent of their income on housing. In 2019, 83.5% of households earning less than $15,000 a year faced cost burdens. Overcrowding becomes an involuntary consequence, intensifying the strain on social relationships and increasing the risk of disease in already vulnerable communities.

Addressing overcrowding requires a comprehensive, multifaceted policy approach from national and local governments. This strategy requires building and refurbishing housing, granting social or public housing subsidies, creating a regulatory framework for private rental properties, and implementing tax and planning policies that encourage affordable housing development. Ensuring housing availability, appropriateness, and affordability are cornerstones of alleviating overcrowding. However, governments should proceed with caution to prevent unintended consequences; after all, relocating individuals can disrupt social networks, childcare, education, and employment opportunities, affecting health and economic stability. Therefore, a comprehensive policy approach and strategies to support employment and increase incomes remain critical. The approach should also be culturally sensitive, with countries needing to consider different views on overcrowding and implementing standards to determine adequate housing space in different contexts.
The effects of overcrowding are complex and far-reaching, spanning physical health, mental health, social dynamics, and housing stability. From links to diseases such as tuberculosis to complex interactions with mental health, overcrowding creates health risks and stress in people’s daily lives. To address this problem, governments must adopt an approach that combines housing refurbishment, subsidies, regulatory measures, and inclusive planning policies while also being cautious because relocation could disrupt important social networks. As we address this complex challenge, we should prioritize inclusivity and diversity to preserve the essence of shared space.
Healthy People 2030. “Housing Instability - Healthy People 2030 |” Office of
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
December 2023.
National Library of Medicine. “Household crowding - WHO Housing and Health
Guidelines.” NCBI, 2018, Accessed
30 December 2023.